February 7-21: The Edges - Marta Smith
July 20 - August 17, 2024: Works on/with/about Paper group exhibition
July 13, 2024: Summer Art Sale
May 18, 2024: AlterCrit
March 2-16, 2024: Skipping Records - Michael and Richard Abrams
February 17-24, 2024: Night Moves group exhibition
December 2023: Holiday Shoppe
November 8-22, 2023: Woodworkers Showcase
October 28-November 4, 2023: THRILLER group exhibition
October 7-21, 2023: Osmosis - Marta Smith
October 1, 2023: Re-birth-ing - YunRay Chung
September 2023: AlterCrit
August 2023: show up to practice! - kari
July 29, 2023: Summer Art Sale and Open Studio
June 2023: Decisive Moment group exhibition
May 2023: About Fire - Alfredo Quinteros
April 2023: The Itty-Bitty Art Show group exhibition
February-March 2023: RE:Claimed - Daniel Cordani
October-November 2022: ωραία μέρα - Marta Smith
September 17, 2022: Makers Bazaar on 31st Avenue
May-June 2022: Dreamland: The Art Pile Group Exhibition
March 2022: Discarded Devices - Daniel Cordani
November 2021: The Finite Contemplates the Infinite - Josh Green
November 2021: Creative Adaptability - Marta Smith
October 2021: Do you see what I see? - Stella Psillides
September 2021: How Lucky We Were To Have Lived - Diana Alsip
August 2021: Patterns to Scale - Tim Kelly
July 2021: INDOOR/OUTDOOR - Rebecca Sherman
June-July 2021: Vessel an exhibition of ceramic art
June 2021: Reflections - Nancy Gesimondo
Darkroom Residency: Lissy Gonzalez and Judyta Grudzien
February-March 2021: Virus of Dehumanization Part 3 - Ecological: Healing Nature
October-November 2020: Beth Livensperger - Lateral Moves
October-November 2020: Online AIR Hannah Tardie - My House
October-November 2020: Online AIR Carla E. Reyes - Time-In: A Visual Journal
October-November 2020: Online AIR Colleen Pesci - Solitary
October-November 2020: Online AIR Monica Wynn - When the Fire Dies
October 2020: Virus of Dehumanization Part 2 - Capitalism and Its Need for the Underclass
October 2020: Online AIR Sia Serafina - Channeling: On Fragmentation and Expansion
October 2020: Online AIR Megan E. Watters - The Primary World
September 2020: Virus of Dehumanization Part 1 - Solidarity: International
September 2020: Online AIR Jordan Segal - The Butcher Shop
September 2020: Online AIR Ann Cofta - Dwelling
April 2020: Alphabet Soup
January-February 2020: Into the Darkroom
November 2019: Tim Kelly - Life Patterns
October 2019: Eugenia Malioykova - Tinfoil Sunrise
August-September 2019: Pro•to•type
June 2019: Ta Dan Ta Dan
May 2019: Small Works 2019
September 2018: Tim Kelly - Halves & Holes
August 2018: Elizabeth Velazquez - Fallacy of Edifice
November 2017- January 2018: Bethany Fancher - Exhibition of Early Wool Sculptures